February 18, 2009
Senator Merkley Recognized for Leadership in Support of Strong Oregon Jobs
Award Presentation by Community Organizations Highlights Senator’s Efforts to Prevent Outsourcing, Protect Job Security and Improve Wages
PORTLAND, ORE. — Community and labor organizations recognized U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley today for his leadership in support of policies that promote family-wage jobs in Oregon.
During an award presentation in the Senator’s Portland office attended by approximately twenty leaders from Oregon’s faith, labor, environmental and fair trade organizations, Senator Merkley was lauded for his efforts to defend the state’s working families during hard economic times.
“From day one, Senator Jeff Merkley has worked for policy changes that will keep jobs in Oregon, give hard-working Americans a greater voice on the job, and raise the standard of living for Oregon’s families. This is exactly what we need to improve our economy and help out hard-working Americans who are struggling to make ends meet and worried about losing their job,” said Tom Chamberlain, President of the Oregon AFL-CIO.“We applaud Senator Merkley’s continued commitment to Oregon’s working families.”
During the event, the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign presented Senator Merkley with the organization’s “Fair Trade Champion” award, thanking him for making trade policy and Oregon jobs a centerpiece of his 2008 election campaign. The Senator has been outspoken about the need to reform trade agreements in order to protect Oregon jobs and improve the state’s economy, and has voiced support for proactive, fair trade legislation like the Trade Reform, Accountability, Development and Employment Act.
“You can’t fix the nation’s economy without fixing its failed trade policy,” said Arthur Stamoulis, director of the Oregon Fair Trade Campaign. “Few people have advocated for trade reform as strongly as Senator Merkley. With his leadership, we have the potential to bring job security back to Oregon and turn the economy around for working people everywhere.”
“For far too long, American workers have been getting the short end of the stick,” said Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley. “We need an economy that starts measuring its success on the opportunities it affords working Americans. I’m proud to receive this award today and will continue to fight to make sure Washington is working for working Americans.”
Portland Jobs with Justice also presented Senator Merkley with a two-and-a-half-feet-tall Valentine’s Day Card signed by over 1,000 people, expressing their members’ gratitude for the Senator’s support of the Employee Free Choice Act. The Employee Free Choice Act is pending legislation that, among other things, strengthens penalties for companies that coerce or intimidate employees trying to form a union and bargain collectively to improve their working conditions.
“Senator Merkley faced some vicious attacks during the last election when he stood up to protect workers’ freedom to choose a union free from management intimidation,” said Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell of the First Unitarian Church of Portland. “By supporting the Employee Free Choice Act in the face of adversity, Senator Merkley showed that he is squarely on the side of Oregon’s working families. He has demonstrated the strength and the leadership that Oregonians deserve from all their elected officials.”