The next public hearing is scheduled(press release) for Sept 15 2016 in Portland.
The public is invited for testimony or also comments on new DRAFT Assessment.
Parking is free(tucked beneath Hannaford Hall), enter Abromson Center-88 Bedford St. and Rm 109 is next to the welcome desk. Please spread the word! Come with testimony, your presence means so much. Download a pdf invitation here.
Citizen Trade Policy Commission Held Public Hearing on TPP in Bangor.
Thursday, December 10, Bangor was Citizen Trade Policy Commission 2015’s final
public hearing. You can view individual testimony: Coralie Giles– Maine Nurses,
Alex Jackimovicz-MaineSmall Businesses, Bonnie Preston, Betsy Garrold,
Christine Greenleaf, Sherri Mitchell, Dennis Chinoy, James Moore, J. Gray Cox,
Stefano Tijerina, Jessie Dowly, Troy Jackson, Karl Norton, Stephanie Mattsen.
CTPC Chairs Volk & Saucier scheduled the year’s 1st CTPC public hearing on
September 24, 2015, 1 PM-3PM Room 208 Cross Office Building Augusta
with the topic”Will the state of Maine benefit from adoption of the proposed TPP?”
November 20, 2014 CTPC Farmington Public Hearing Edit
June 26, 2014 CTPC Augusta Public Hearing Maine Steel Workers
December 2013 CTPC Belfast Public Hearing TPP & Impact on Milk_Piotti
Sept 2013 VideoEdit with MFTC testimony at Augusta CTPC’s Public Hearing