California Archive
California and the World United Against the TPP
Protesters Decry Race-to-the-Bottom Trade Proposal Outside President Obama’s US-ASEAN Economic Summit Saying the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would lead to a global race-to-the-bottom in wages, working conditions and environmental standards if […] -
San Diego and the Nation Greet TPP Negotiators
As trade negotiators and corporate lobbyists met at a swank San Diego hotel this July in an attempt to push the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) toward conclusion, labor, environmental and community organizations […] -
Exposing the Trans-Pacific FTA in Southern California
Trade negotiators from throughout the Pacific Rim met in posh Beverly Hills and La Jolla, California in late January and early February in an attempt to hammer out the details […] -
California Dems Oppose Pending Trade Deals
Last week, the California Democratic Party endorsed a resolution opposing the FTAs with Korea and Colombia. It was one of just 11 (out of about 90) to be brought before […] -
San Francisco Op-Ed Warns Against Fuzzy Math
Tim Robertson, Director of the California Fair Trade Coalition, had an op-ed in today’s San Francisco Chronicle pointing out the folly of looking at export projections while ignoring the import […]