Climate Change & Trade

The Time is Now.
The impacts of global warming are already being felt. If we don’t act now, the climate crisis will become much worse, dramatically impacting people around the world and causing irreversible damage to the environment. We can and must solve this crisis and do so in an equitable and responsible way, but the path ahead is not easy. It will require bold leadership and a broad transformation of our society.

At CTC, we continue to track the international efforts to bring the international community together behind a strong global climate agreement, without which this problem cannot be solved.

Components needed in an energy-climate bill Letter from ten Senators from manufacturing states, April 2010

Obama Open to Trade Protections in Senate Climate Bill, Adviser Says New York Times, April 20th, 2010
Groups ask Obama to stick with UN as site of climate negotiations Friends of the Earth — April 7th 2010
Cooling the planet without chilling trade
Washington Post — November 13, 2009
Integrating Agriculture in a Global Climate Deal
Insitute for Agriculture and Trade Policy — October 2009
New Deal Could Slash Tariffs on Green Goods in OECD, China
ICTSD — October 7, 2009
The Rise of ‘Climate Protectionism’
South Bulletin — September 10, 2009
Lamy fears spillover between climate and trade talks
Financial Times — September 3, 2009
Climate, trade, Obama Paul Krugman Blog, New York Times — Jun 29, 2009

Components needed in an energy-climate bill Letter by ten Democratic Senators from manufacturing states, April 2010
Post-2012 International Framework Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Trade and Climate Change International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Climate Change, Trade and Competitiveness: Is a Collision Inevitable?
Brookings Institution 2009 (Click here for book)

Climate, trade and global governance in the midst of an economic crisis Dr. Arunabha Ghosh – March 25, 2010
Bali to Copenhagen Project International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) — 2010
The next steps for international climate negotiations Pew Center on Global Climate Change — April 2010
Trade and Climate Change WTO — 2009
Trade And Climate: Potential Conflicts And Synergies Pew Center on Global Climate Change – 2003

Understanding the Copenhagen Accord
Resources from Friends of the Earth
You can download the entire packetbyclicking here, or you can download individual resourcesby clicking on their titles below:

A one-page document explaining the failure of the 2009 climate summit in Copenhagen.
A detailed Friends of the Earth analysis of the conference focusing on U.S. involvement.
A compilation of excerpted quotes from NGOs about their reactions to the Copenhagen Accord.
An article by Martin Khor, executive director of the South Centre, entitled, “After Copenhagen, the Way Forward.”
The Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance statement of the African Civil Society during the 14th ordinary summit of the African Union, 25 January – 3 February 2010.
A Climate Action Network South Asia press release calling for rejection of the Copenhagen Accord.
Contact information for our experts who would be happy to discuss the outcome of the Copenhagen climate conference with you.
Click here for more information about the Friends of the Earth team’s work in Copenhagen.